Jon Houglum
EMAIL: houglumfinear@gmail.com
WEBSITE: www.houglumfineart.com
PHONE: (828)369-7274 or (828)371-0076
Jon Houglum received a B.S. Degree in Art Education from Moorhead State University, Moorhead, Minnesota, studied four years privately under Antonius Raemaekers, a Dutch Master, in Martinsville, Indiana, and studied two years of portraits and figures at the John Herron Art Institute of the Indiana University, Purdue University, Indiana. Jon started his teaching career in 1973, and he established Houglum Fine Art in 1980. Jon has dedicated his entire adult life to teaching and painting. Oil painting has been his passion and a joyful experience. Jon’s variety of paintings and his professional expertise in the composition, drawing and painting of the many subjects through the elements and principles of a fine oil painting are in the traditions of the old masters. Commission Jon to paint your favorite scene from your favorite photo or on location.