Silke Cliatt
The North Georgia Arts Guild is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, founded in 1994 in Rabun County. The Guild is a thriving, dynamic, community-focused organization, growing from 20 founding members to over 100 members today. The strong tradition of arts and crafts in the beautiful Georgia mountain region attracts artists from near and far.
Our members hail from all over the country, each bringing rich and unique art experiences – local, regional, national and international – with skills from beginner to advanced. Their art includes painting, fiber, photography, pottery, glass, and other fine crafts.
The Guild sponsors workshops, art related field trips, and numerous art shows, including the annual Sassafras Artisan Market and the Painted Fern Art Festival at the Rabun County Civic Center and Pavilion, Clayton Georgia.
The Guild does not have a brick and mortar location. The Clayton First United Methodist Church, generously allows us to use the Fellowship Hall for our monthly meetings. We also have a booth (#6) at Butler’s Gallery on Main Street, Clayton, where members can exhibit their artwork.
A long-time goal was realized in 2015 when we established the NGAG Art Scholarship Program. Through it, we provide educational financial assistance to artistically talented Rabun County high school seniors. The first scholarships were awarded to four outstanding students in 2016. The program is funded by proceeds from the annual fundraiser, Sassafras Artisan Market, sponsors and individual donations.
Board of Directors
President - Randy Sells
1st VP, Membership - Donna Persinger
2nd VP, Programs - Tricia Moore
Recording Secretary - Kathy Ford
Corresponding Secretary - Diana Winuk
Treasurer - Lynn Roe
Committee Chairmen
Hospitality - Cathy Jowers
Sassafras Artisan Market - Kathy Ford
Painted Fern Art Festival - Joey Aldrich-Burel
Scholarship - Penny Bradley
Publicity - Patricia Moore, Cricket Werkheiser
Newsletter - Randy Sells
Website - Mark Barton
Outreach/Inreach - Kim Adams, Donna Persinger
Archives - Tanya Barton